Say Cheese!

On Photography and Personal Journeys

Ifeoluwa A.
3 min readAug 31, 2023
Photo by Ifeoluwa A. on Unsplash

Exactly 2 years ago, I published my first 2 photos for the whole world to see [and judge]. The days leading up to that were some of the murkiest I’ve ever had. I had just quit my job unexpectedly and I had no idea what to do next.

Today, I think about who I was that day and how much I have grown since; not only in my craft, but as a person. I have learned quite a number of lessons but the chief of them is that unless you take a chance on yourself, you will miss out a lot in life, and possibly even be in uncomfortable situations.

I understand that many of us come from places where nobody takes a chance on you, not even your parents. They simply can’t afford to; too much is at stake. It’s why many of us millennials were pushed to study certain courses at the university. Most times, it’s because they know they won’t always be here to take care of you, and they want you to be okay when…

